The web to print

a collection

This collection brings together printed editions produced with open source tools  and web tools : a physical and mobile archive for schools, libraries, and exhibition places.

The use of open source tools (FOSS / FLOSS) and web techniques (HTML and CSS languages to produce from the browser a PDF file for printing) is both an experimental and industrial challenge. Artists, graphic designers and collectives find in the reappropriation and development of their graphic creation tools a political commitment participating in a technological emancipation and empowerment.

‭➔‬ Consult the collection

The Web To Print Library at Carré d’Art–Musée d’art contemporain, Nîmes (FR), 2022.

Who, when, what ?

The collection is led by Lucile Haute and Quentin Juhel.

From mid-May to mid-Juy 2024, Lucie Bouchet is the Web to Print Library's trainee et contributes to the documentation of the collection. Thanks to Emma Charrin for her photo advice.

The prefiguration of the web to print library was realized in the fall of 2021 under the coordination of Lucile Haute, in connection with three courses of the Design degree of the University of Nîmes.

The piece of furniture to transport and exhibit the library’s content (2022) and to present and film books (2023) is designed by Antoine Lefebvre, in discussion with Lucile Haute, and realized in the FabLab of Nîmes with the help of Mounia Ali in 2022 and Manon Poitevin en 2023. Élise Goutagny sewed the protective covers.

The indexing database for the collection is developed by Quentin Juhel using Kirby CMS.

The discussions about the need to found a library gathering web to print editions have mobilized Raphaël Bastide (PrePostPrint), Julien Bidoret (ESAD Pau), Lucile Olympe Haute (Unîmes + École des Arts Déco Paris) and Quentin Juhel (PrePostPrint + ESAD Valence).

PrePostPrint was initiated by Sarah Garcin and Raphaël Bastide in 2017.

The project to document and archive web-to-print/css-print editions is part of a reflection on the processes involved in graphic design, and as such is part of Graphisme en France.

The Web To Print Library at Cité du Design de Saint-Étienne (FR), 2022.


The web to print library has been presented :

  • Les Puces Typo, Campus de la fonderie de l'image, May 25th 2024, Bagnolet (France);
  • MAD’s library, June 6-11th 2023, Paris (France) ;
  • Open Open, ESAC Cambrai, May 11-12 2023 (France) ;
  • Journées du Logiciel Libre, April 1st 2023, Lyon (France) ;
  • mentioned by Julie Blanc and Nolwenn Maudet in Graphisme en France n° 28, 2022;
  • Design Week at FabLab de Nîmes on September 19th 2022 in Nîmes (France) ;
  • Design Biennale on May 2022 in Saint-Étienne (France) ;
  • Salon d’édition Trafic at FRAC PACA on May 21th and 22th 2022 in Marseille (France) ;
  • Rencontres de Lure from Agust 21th to 27th 2022 in Lurs (France) ;
  • Library of Carré d’Art–Musée d’art contemporain from February 17th to April 7th 2022 in Nîmes (France).

Templates to try by yourself :


Design : Quentin Juhel & Lucile Haute
Type : Karrik, by Jean-Baptiste Morizot + Lucas Le Bihan
📷: Lucile Haute